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sym 2.8.5

Sym is a ruby library (gem) that offers both the command line interface (CLI) and a set of rich Ruby APIs, which make it rather trivial to add encryption and decryption of sensitive data to your development or deployment flow. As a layer of additional security, you can encrypt the private key itself with a password. Unlike many other existing encryption tools, Sym focuses on getting out of the way — by offering its streamlined interface, hoping to make encryption of application secrets nearly completely transparent to the developers. For the data encryption Sym uses a symmetric 256-bit key with the AES-256-CBC cipher, same cipher as used by the US Government. For password-protecting the key Sym uses AES-128-CBC cipher. The resulting data is zlib-compressed and base64-encoded. The keys are also base64 encoded for easy copying/pasting/etc. Sym accomplishes encryption transparency by combining convenience features: 1) Sym can read the private key from multiple source types, such as: a pathname to a file, an environment variable name, a keychain entry, or CLI argument. You simply pass either of these to the -k flag — one flag that works for all source types. 2) By utilizing OS-X Keychain on a Mac, Sym offers truly secure way of storing the key on a local machine, much more secure then storing it on a file system, 3) By using a local password cache (activated with -c) via an in-memory provider such as memcached or drb, sym invocations take advantage of password cache, and only ask for a password once per a configurable time period, 4) By using SYM_ARGS environment variable, where common flags can be saved. This is activated with sym -A, 5) By reading the key from the default key source file ~/.sym.key which requires no flags at all, 6) By utilizing the --negate option to quickly encrypt a regular file, or decrypt an encrypted file with extension .enc 7) By implementing the -t (edit) mode, that opens an encrypted file in your $EDITOR, and replaces the encrypted version upon save & exit, optionally creating a backup. 8) By offering the Sym::MagicFile ruby API to easily read encrypted files into memory.




  1. 3.0.2 September 23, 2022 (4.2 MB)
  2. 3.0.1 February 12, 2021 (4.2 MB)
  3. 3.0.0 August 15, 2020 (2.8 MB)
  4. 2.10.0 August 14, 2020 (1.4 MB)
  5. 2.8.5 October 13, 2018 (1.4 MB)
显示所有版本 (共 33 个)

Runtime 依赖 (6):

coin ~> 0.1.8
colored2 ~> 3
dalli ~> 2.7
highline ~> 1.7
slop ~> 4.3

Development 依赖 (9):

aruba >= 0
bundler >= 0
irbtools >= 0
rake >= 0
rspec ~> 3
rspec-its >= 0
simplecov >= 0
yard >= 0



  • Konstantin Gredeskoul

SHA 256 校验和:


下载总量 479,450

这个版本 14,615



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.2

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true
