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colored2 4.0.3

This is a heavily modified fork of gem, with many sensible pull requests combined. Since the authors of the original gem no longer support it, this might, perhaps, be considered a good alternative. Simple gem that adds various color methods to String class, and can be used as follows: require 'colored2' puts 'this is red'.red puts 'this is red with a yellow background'.red.on.yellow puts 'this is red with and italic'.red.italic puts 'this is green bold'.green.bold << ' and regular'.green puts 'this is really bold blue on white but reversed' puts 'this is regular, but '.red! << 'this is red '.yellow! << ' and yellow.'.no_color! puts ('this is regular, but '.red! do 'this is red '.yellow! do ' and yellow.'.no_color! end end)




  1. 4.0.3 January 18, 2025 (9 KB)
  2. 4.0.0 August 24, 2023 (8.5 KB)
  3. 3.1.2 February 14, 2017 (10 KB)
  4. 2.0.2 March 10, 2016 (9 KB)
  5. 2.0.0 March 10, 2016 (9 KB)
Show all versions (12 total)


Pushed by:


  • Chris Wanstrath, Konstantin Gredeskoul

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 173,686,942

For this version 45,514

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 3.1

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
