rxfreader 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rxfreader
rexslt 0.8.0
Rexslt is an XSLT processor written purely in Ruby
134,717 下载
rscript 0.9.0
Reads or executes a job contained within a package (XML document), whereby the package ...
128,196 下载
nokorexi 0.7.0
Uses Nokogiri to produce valid XHTML for use as a Rexle document.
47,251 下载
domle 0.6.0
Domle (DOM + Rexle) is the document object model used by the Svgle gem
46,856 下载
requestor 0.5.0
Reads a gem (source code) from an HTTP location. Ideal for working on a gem in the deve...
35,978 下载
weblet 0.4.1
Intended for retrieving HTML templates from a convenient to use Hash-like object.
23,214 下载
rxfreadwrite 0.2.7
Read and write files from remote locations (using the DFS protocol) as well as local.
16,296 下载
pxlite 0.2.1
A light-weight version of the Polyrex gem. Intended for traversing nested records 3 lev...
4,775 下载
lockboxfile 0.2.0
A Lockbox wrapper to read or write an encrypted file.
2,986 下载
quick_faker 0.2.1
Handy Faker wrapper for noobs too lazy to read the documentation.
2,631 下载