Dependencias inversas para rxfreader La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rxfreader
rexslt 0.8.0
Rexslt is an XSLT processor written purely in Ruby
134.717 Descargas
rscript 0.9.0
Reads or executes a job contained within a package (XML document), whereby the package ...
128.196 Descargas
nokorexi 0.7.0
Uses Nokogiri to produce valid XHTML for use as a Rexle document.
47.252 Descargas
domle 0.6.0
Domle (DOM + Rexle) is the document object model used by the Svgle gem
46.856 Descargas
requestor 0.5.0
Reads a gem (source code) from an HTTP location. Ideal for working on a gem in the deve...
35.978 Descargas
weblet 0.4.1
Intended for retrieving HTML templates from a convenient to use Hash-like object.
23.215 Descargas
rxfreadwrite 0.2.7
Read and write files from remote locations (using the DFS protocol) as well as local.
16.296 Descargas
pxlite 0.2.1
A light-weight version of the Polyrex gem. Intended for traversing nested records 3 lev...
4.775 Descargas
lockboxfile 0.2.0
A Lockbox wrapper to read or write an encrypted file.
2.986 Descargas
quick_faker 0.2.1
Handy Faker wrapper for noobs too lazy to read the documentation.
2.631 Descargas