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droplet_kit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 droplet_kit


335,374 下載

kitchen-digitalocean 0.16.1

A Test Kitchen Driver for Digital Ocean

253,526 下載

do_snapshot 1.0.2

Snapshot creator for Digital Ocean droplets. Multi-threading inside. Auto-cleanup featu...

90,569 下載

tugboat 4.1.0

A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets.

88,540 下載

knife-digital_ocean 2.6.0

A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers

77,271 下載

sistero 0.8.3

Profile based digital ocean cluster management command line tool.

59,627 下載

open-dock 0.1.18

Encapsulates Operations commands for complex server clouds: Provision and Configuration...

53,715 下載


48,317 下載

onlyoffice_digitalocean_wrapper 0.9.0

Wrapper gem for DigitalOcean. Use in testing projects

46,920 下載

kuby-digitalocean 0.4.3

DigitalOcean provider for Kuby.

32,809 下載

kontena-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.3

Kontena DigitalOcean plugin

31,747 下載

krates-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.11

Krates DigitalOcean plugin

11,737 下載

seedee 0.1.7

Continuous Deployment to DigitalOcean using Chef for Transit.Tips

11,558 下載

droppper 0.3.0

DigitalOcean CLI using DigitalOcean's API v2.

9,137 下載

ocean_kit 0.1.8

CLI tool to manage your digital ocean account.

8,127 下載

dj 0.2.0

One dev tool to rule them all.

8,072 下載

cloudimages-rundeck 0.1.4

Cloud Image Information Provider for RunDeck

7,144 下載

provisioning 0.0.1.alpha.4

Open PaaS provisioning on cloud providers from JSON manifest file

6,316 下載

docli 0.0.2

Commandline interface for DigitalOcean

6,141 下載

staticpages-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.7

StaticPages DigitalOcean plugin

6,058 下載

dj2 0.0.3

One dev tool to rule them all.

5,776 下載

digital_ocean_inventory 0.1.2

DigitalOcean Ansible Dynamic Inventory For Ansible Dynamic Inventory

4,951 下載

cyclid-digitalocean-plugin 0.1.1

Creates Digitalocean Droplet build hosts

4,806 下載

doctl 0.4.3

DLDInternet DOctl tools

4,575 下載

ci-killer 0.1.1

Kills CI nodes if they have been running for too long.

4,556 下載

do-dyndns 0.4.0

Finds the wan IPv4 address of the server it's running on and updates the corresponding ...

4,484 下載

sunzi-vps 0.2.0

Simple CLI to create and/or destroy VPS instances

3,982 下載

dnsign 0.0.1

Simple command line tool that resolves your public IP address and accordingly updates D...

3,387 下載

train-digitalocean 0.1.0

This plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean

2,094 下載

kontena-plugin-scaleway 0.0.1.alpha

Kontena plugin to deploy over Scaleway

1,811 下載

總下載次數 2,617,851

這個版本 848




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
