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Dépendances inversées pour droplet_kit Latest version of the following gems require droplet_kit


335 378 Téléchargements

kitchen-digitalocean 0.16.1

A Test Kitchen Driver for Digital Ocean

253 529 Téléchargements

do_snapshot 1.0.2

Snapshot creator for Digital Ocean droplets. Multi-threading inside. Auto-cleanup featu...

90 569 Téléchargements

tugboat 4.1.0

A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets.

88 542 Téléchargements

knife-digital_ocean 2.6.0

A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers

77 271 Téléchargements

sistero 0.8.3

Profile based digital ocean cluster management command line tool.

59 627 Téléchargements

open-dock 0.1.18

Encapsulates Operations commands for complex server clouds: Provision and Configuration...

53 717 Téléchargements


48 320 Téléchargements

onlyoffice_digitalocean_wrapper 0.9.0

Wrapper gem for DigitalOcean. Use in testing projects

46 921 Téléchargements

kuby-digitalocean 0.4.3

DigitalOcean provider for Kuby.

32 810 Téléchargements

kontena-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.3

Kontena DigitalOcean plugin

31 749 Téléchargements

krates-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.11

Krates DigitalOcean plugin

11 737 Téléchargements

seedee 0.1.7

Continuous Deployment to DigitalOcean using Chef for Transit.Tips

11 559 Téléchargements

droppper 0.3.0

DigitalOcean CLI using DigitalOcean's API v2.

9 137 Téléchargements

ocean_kit 0.1.8

CLI tool to manage your digital ocean account.

8 127 Téléchargements

dj 0.2.0

One dev tool to rule them all.

8 072 Téléchargements

cloudimages-rundeck 0.1.4

Cloud Image Information Provider for RunDeck

7 144 Téléchargements

provisioning 0.0.1.alpha.4

Open PaaS provisioning on cloud providers from JSON manifest file

6 316 Téléchargements

docli 0.0.2

Commandline interface for DigitalOcean

6 141 Téléchargements

staticpages-plugin-digitalocean 0.3.7

StaticPages DigitalOcean plugin

6 059 Téléchargements

dj2 0.0.3

One dev tool to rule them all.

5 777 Téléchargements

digital_ocean_inventory 0.1.2

DigitalOcean Ansible Dynamic Inventory For Ansible Dynamic Inventory

4 952 Téléchargements

cyclid-digitalocean-plugin 0.1.1

Creates Digitalocean Droplet build hosts

4 807 Téléchargements

doctl 0.4.3

DLDInternet DOctl tools

4 575 Téléchargements

ci-killer 0.1.1

Kills CI nodes if they have been running for too long.

4 557 Téléchargements

do-dyndns 0.4.0

Finds the wan IPv4 address of the server it's running on and updates the corresponding ...

4 484 Téléchargements

sunzi-vps 0.2.0

Simple CLI to create and/or destroy VPS instances

3 982 Téléchargements

dnsign 0.0.1

Simple command line tool that resolves your public IP address and accordingly updates D...

3 387 Téléchargements

train-digitalocean 0.1.0

This plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean

2 094 Téléchargements

kontena-plugin-scaleway 0.0.1.alpha

Kontena plugin to deploy over Scaleway

1 811 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 617 876

Pour cette version 851

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
