astrolabe 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 astrolabe
transpec 3.4.0
Transpec converts your specs to the latest RSpec syntax with static and dynamic code an...
653,110 下載
rails5-spec-converter 2.0.0
Rails 5 issues a deprecation warning if your controller/request tests don't wrap user-s...
119,395 下載
superbara 0.15.1
Better way to build Capybara tests
65,103 下載
ffast 0.2.2
Allow you to search for code using node pattern syntax.
63,477 下載
gemologist 0.4.0
A library for rewriting your Gemfile and gemspec.
15,081 下載
attr_accessible2strong_params 0.0.3
Automatically convert Rails 3 attr_accessible to Rails 4 Strong Parameter
4,173 下載
rr-to-rspec-converter 1.0.1
Automatic conversion of RR mocks and stubs to modern RSpec syntax.
3,641 下載