Dependencias inversas para astrolabe La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren astrolabe
transpec 3.4.0
Transpec converts your specs to the latest RSpec syntax with static and dynamic code an...
653.110 Descargas
rails5-spec-converter 2.0.0
Rails 5 issues a deprecation warning if your controller/request tests don't wrap user-s...
119.395 Descargas
superbara 0.15.1
Better way to build Capybara tests
65.103 Descargas
ffast 0.2.2
Allow you to search for code using node pattern syntax.
63.477 Descargas
gemologist 0.4.0
A library for rewriting your Gemfile and gemspec.
15.081 Descargas
attr_accessible2strong_params 0.0.3
Automatically convert Rails 3 attr_accessible to Rails 4 Strong Parameter
4.173 Descargas
rr-to-rspec-converter 1.0.1
Automatic conversion of RR mocks and stubs to modern RSpec syntax.
3.641 Descargas