RubyGems Navigation menu

yell 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 yell

html-proofer 5.0.10

Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.

6,259,510 下载

traject 3.8.3

An easy to use, high-performance, flexible and extensible metadata transformation syste...

259,752 下载

occi-core 5.0.4

The rOCCI toolkit is a collection of classes simplifying implementation of Open Cloud C...

152,096 下载

wss_agent 18.10.3

White Source agent to sync gems

119,673 下载

yell-rails 2.0.0

Yell - Your Extensible Logging Library. Define multiple adapters, various log level com...

107,809 下载

yell-adapters-syslog 2.0.2

Syslog adapter for Yell

106,900 下载

yell-adapters-gelf 2.1.0

Graylog2 adapter for Yell

101,900 下载

volley 0.1.25

PubSub Deployment tool

84,994 下载

transrate 1.0.1

a library and command-line tool for quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies

77,206 下载

yell-adapters-fluentd 1.0.5

Fluentd adapter for Yell

61,896 下载

rabbit-wq 2.3.0

A work queue built on RabbitMQ and Celluloid. See README for more details.

60,268 下载

bellbro 0.3.1

Helps with sidekiq.

58,271 下载

mystro-common 0.3.3

common functionality for Mystro

44,232 下载

has_active_logger 0.0.7


39,257 下载

servitude 2.0.0

A set of utilities to aid in building multithreaded Ruby servers utilizing Celluloid. ...

38,374 下载

cloudkeeper 2.0.0

Synchronize cloud appliances between AppDB and cloud platforms

36,692 下载

cottontail 2.0.0

Convenience wrapper around the AMQP Bunny gem to better handle routing_key specific mes...

35,700 下载

berta 2.1.1

Berta will check all VMs on OpenNebula cloud for expiration date

34,737 下载

epodder 0.0.13

Ruby re-do of hpodder

33,531 下载

nagios-promoo 1.7.1

Nagios Probes for Monitoring OpenNebula and OCCI

33,385 下载

comfy 0.2.14

Tool for building virtual machine images from scratch.

33,365 下载

nomade 0.1.7

Gem that deploys nomad jobs

29,412 下载

cloudkeeper-one 2.0.0

OpenNebula backend for cloudkeeper

28,530 下载

imagemaster3000 0.9.0

Downloading and slight modification of cloud images

27,884 下载

nifty 0.2.12

A tool for uploading and registering cloud appliances in OpenNebula.

25,760 下载

zabbix-monitor 0.0.10

Zabbix application monitoring

24,043 下载

acception-subscriber 1.1.0

A RabbitMQ subscriber that pushes messages to Acception's API. See README for more det...

17,764 下载

traject_alephsequential_reader 1.1.2

A basic traject reader to process Ex Libris's AlephSequential format on input

17,582 下载

leeroy_app 0.5.4

Leeroy is a framework and CLI app that captures common features required at various poi...

16,897 下载

cheripic 1.2.7

a library and commandline tool to pick causative mutation from bulks segregant sequencing

16,543 下载

下载总量 5,622,146

这个版本 2,761,956




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
