Dependencias inversas para yardstick La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren yardstick
git 3.0.0
The git gem provides an API that can be used to create, read, and manipulate Git reposi...
155.529.541 Descargas
libhoney 2.4.0
Ruby gem for sending data to Honeycomb
4.345.976 Descargas
jsonapi.rb 2.1.1
JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.
3.168.636 Descargas
process_executer 3.0.0
An API for executing commands in a subprocess
2.039.618 Descargas
attributor 8.0
A powerful attribute and type management library for Ruby
445.741 Descargas
rspec-timecop 0.4.0
Provides helper methods for using Timecop in RSpec examples.
230.842 Descargas
otp-jwt 0.3.1
OTP (email, SMS) JWT authentication for HTTP APIs.
189.943 Descargas
yoti 1.10.0
This gem contains the tools you need to quickly integrate your Ruby back-end with Y...
183.415 Descargas
serverspec-extended-types 0.1.1
This gem provides some purpose-specific types for ServerSpec 2.x beyond the default one...
166.433 Descargas
active_record-pgcrypto 0.2.6
PostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models.
109.169 Descargas
devtools 0.1.26
A metagem wrapping development tools
103.441 Descargas
hoodie 1.0.3
A collection of hipster methods and hoodie tools to make even the nerdy rubyist look cool.
97.616 Descargas
loqate 0.12.0
API client for GBG Loqate
89.200 Descargas
danica 2.7.7
75.311 Descargas
sinclair 2.1.1
Gem for easy concern creation
56.675 Descargas
azeroth 1.1.0
52.800 Descargas
simp-metadata 0.6.1
A library for accessing the SIMP metadata format for the simp project
48.797 Descargas
arstotzka 1.6.2
46.332 Descargas
json_rspec_match_maker 1.1.5
Utility class for building JSON RSpec matchers.
42.298 Descargas
hexx-suit 2.3.2
The module collects gems used for development and testing.
41.918 Descargas
darthjee-core_ext 2.0.0
Extension of basic classes with usefull methods
41.255 Descargas
statefully 0.1.8
Immutable state with helpers to build awesome things
38.842 Descargas
delphix 0.4.1
A REST client for interacting with Delphix Appliance.
37.344 Descargas
compo 0.5.1
Compo provides mixins and classes that assist in implementing a variant of the Comp...
36.798 Descargas
linearly 0.1.4
Linear workflow framework based on immutable state
32.025 Descargas
yard_rideliner 0.7.5
YARD plugin for Rideliner's projects
31.638 Descargas
calendario 0.3.0
A cal-like calendar
31.573 Descargas
sugar_utils 0.8.0
Utility methods extracted from SugarCRM Ruby projects.
29.600 Descargas
xavier 0.1.0
Reverts state mutations.
25.813 Descargas
magicka 1.1.0
Gem for easy form templating
25.155 Descargas