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xquery 0.2.0

# XQuery XQuery is designed to replace boring method call chains and allow to easier convert it in a builder classes [![Build Status](]( ## Usage of `XQuery` function `Xquery` is a shortcat to `Xquery::Generic.with` ``` r = XQuery(''.html_safe) do |q| # similar to tap q << 'bla bla bla' q << 'bla bla bla' # using truncate q.truncate(15) # real content (q.send(:query)) mutated q << '!' end r # => "bla bla blab...!" ``` ## Usage of `XQuery::Abstract` I designed this gem to help me with `ActiveRecord` Queries, so i inherited `XQuery::Abstract` and used it's powers. It provides the following features ### `wrap_method` and `wrap_methods` when you call each of this methods they became automatically wrapped (`XQuery::Abstract` basically wraps all methods query `#respond_to?`) It means, that there are instance methods with same name defined and will change a `#query` to their call result. ``` self.query = # is basically the same as foo(x) # when `wrap_method :foo` called ``` You can also specify new name using `wrap_method :foo, as: :bar` syntax ### `q` object `q` is a proxy object which holds all of wrapped methods, but not methods you defined inside your class. E.g. i have defined `wrap_method(:foo)`, but also delegated `#foo` to some another object. If i call ``, i will get wrapped method. Note, that if you redefine `#__foo` method, will call it instead of normal work. You can add additional methods to `q` using something like `alias_on_q :foo`. I used it with `kaminary` and it was useful ``` def page=(x) apply { |query| } end alias_on_q :page= def page query.current_page end alias_on_q :page ``` ### `query_superclass` You should specify `query_superclass` class_attribute to inherit `XQuery::Abstract`. Whenever `query.is_a?(query_superclass)` evaluate to false, you will get `XQuery::QuerySuperclassChanged` exception. It can save you much time when your class misconfigured. E.g. you are using `select!` and it returns `nil`, because why not? ### `#apply` method `#apply` does exact what it source tells ``` # yields query inside block # @param block [#to_proc] # @return [XQuery::Abstract] self def apply(&block) self.query = self end ``` It is usefull to merge different queries. ### `with` class method You can get XQuery functionality even you have not defined a specific class (You are still have to inherit XQuery::Abstract to use it) You can see it in this document when i described `XQuery` function. Note, that it yields a class instance, not `q` object. It accepts any arguments, they will be passed to a constructor (except block) If you want only to call one function on an instance (e.g. `#apply`), you should prefer `execute` alias




  1. 0.2.1 March 08, 2017 (8.0 KB)
  2. 0.2.0 December 14, 2015 java (7.5 KB)
  3. 0.2.0 December 14, 2015 (7.5 KB)
  4. 0.1.3 December 14, 2015 java (7.0 KB)
  5. 0.1.3 December 11, 2015 (7.0 KB)
顯示所有版本(共 8)

Runtime 相依性套件 (1):

activesupport ~> 4.0

Development 相依性套件 (7):

bundler ~> 1.10
pry ~> 0.10
rake ~> 10.4
rspec ~> 3.3
rubocop ~> 0.35
simplecov ~> 0.11
yard ~> 0.8



  • jelf

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:


總下載次數 20,755

這個版本 3,851




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
