writeexcel 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 writeexcel
apollo-crawler 0.1.31
Gem for crawling data from external sources
276,495 下載
xls_sestavy 0.3.4
Uses writeexcel and puts some helper methods on top for making summaries in xls format
31,131 下載
mondrian-rest 1.0.4
A REST interface for Mondrian ROLAP server
30,281 下載
excel_templating 0.4.2
28,508 下載
ruby2xlsx 0.1.0
Another gem for easy exporting data to Excel
27,434 下載
sinatra-writeexcel 0.0.6
A gem to generate xls documents by using templates.
15,265 下載
tomosia_icon8_crawl 0.1.8
tomosia-icon8-crawl using download image from icons8.com
15,125 下載
gen_sheet 0.1.0
A spreadsheet generator (ODS, XLS) and parsing tool. Uses Roo as a backend and attempts...
10,320 下載
writeexcel_on_rails 0.0.4
A gem to generate xls documents by using templates.
8,016 下載
tomosia_wallhere_crawl 0.1.4
crawl images and data from page wallhere
7,144 下載
tomosia_icons8_crawl 0.1.4
tomosia-icons8-crawl using download image from icons8.com
7,083 下載
sd-ruby-libs 0.0.3
basic slack and google sheets functionality
5,450 下載
rails-excel-writeexcel-strategy 0.0.1
Rails Excel strategy to write xlsx files through writeexcel gem
4,728 下載