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webhookdb 1.3.0

Replicate any API to your database with WebhookDB. WebhookDB handles webhooks and intelligently polls APIs to provide a normalized, schematized, relational copy of API data. No new APIs to learn -- just an easy-to-use CLI to set up integrations, and then you get a database connection string to access your data. WebhookDB keeps everything up to date, automatically. Explore the extensive documentation at




  1. 1.4.0 September 01, 2024 (580 KB)
  2. 1.3.1 April 26, 2024 (573 KB)
  3. 1.3.0 April 26, 2024 (573 KB)
  4. 1.2.2 February 05, 2024 (272 KB)
  5. 1.2.1 February 05, 2024 (272 KB)
Show all versions (12 total)

Runtime Dependencies (55):

activesupport ~> 7.1
appydays >= 0.8
aws-sdk-pricing ~> 1.53
aws-sdk-sts ~> 1.11
barnes ~> 0.0
bcrypt ~> 3.1
biz ~> 1.8
clipboard ~> 1.3
down ~> 5.4
foreman ~> 0.87
grape ~> 2.0.0
grape-entity ~> 1.0.0
grape_logging ~> 1.8.4
grape-swagger ~> 2.0.0
httparty ~> 0.21
ice_cube >= 0
jwt ~> 2.7
liquid ~> 5.4
mail ~> 2.8
mimemagic ~> 0.4
monetize ~> 1.12
money ~> 6.16
nokogiri ~> 1.16
oj ~> 3.16
pg ~> 1.5
phony ~> 2.20
platform-api ~> 3.5
premailer ~> 1.21
pry ~> 0.14
puma ~> 6.4
rack-cors ~> 2.0
rack-spa ~> 0.11
rake ~> 13.1
redis ~> 4.8
redis-client ~> 0.19
semantic_logger ~> 4.15
sentry-ruby ~> 5.17
sentry-sidekiq ~> 5.17
sequel ~> 5.75
sequel_pg ~> 1.17
sidekiq ~> 6
sidekiq-amigo ~> 1.6, >= 1.6.2
sidekiq-cron ~> 1.12
stripe ~> 10.4
uuidx ~> 0.10
warden ~> 1.2


Pushed by:


  • WebhookDB

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 3,723

For this version 246

Version Released:


Apache 2.0

Required Ruby Version: >= 3.2.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
