wand 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 wand
joint 0.6.2
MongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love.
106,338 下載
mm-attach-it 0.2.4
Attach files (images, videos, pdfs, txts, zips and etc) to a MongoMapper record. You ca...
31,450 下載
docbook_files 1.0.0
docbook_files lists and checks all files related to a DocBook writing project.
27,027 下載
jamieorc-joint 0.6.2
MongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love. Updates by Jamie for EmbeddedDocumen...
11,557 下載
jnunemaker-grip 0.1.1
Attachment plugin for MongoMapper that uses GridFS.
8,637 下載
jonbell-grip 0.1.2
Attachment plugin for MongoMapper that uses GridFS.
8,554 下載
associo 0.1.0
Implements an easy to use GridFS API for MongoMapper.
3,005 下載