Dépendances inversées pour validates_timeliness Latest version of the following gems require validates_timeliness
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
306 789 Téléchargements
has_accounts 3.1.0
HasAccounts is a full featured Rails gem providing models for financial accounting.
197 565 Téléchargements
enju_seed 0.3.6
Seed module for Next-L Enju
103 026 Téléchargements
rspec-validates_timeliness 0.1.1
Simple RSpec matchers for validates_timeliness
102 963 Téléchargements
kirico 1.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
94 840 Téléchargements
jt-rails-toolbox 2.8.1
JTRailsToolbox contains a list of common libs used for Ruby On Rails development.
83 209 Téléchargements
railjet 4.0.0
Design patterns for Ruby on Rails
76 133 Téléchargements
has_accounts_engine 2.0.1
HasAccountsEngine is a full featured Rails 3 gem accompanying has_accounts with control...
63 860 Téléchargements
riveter 0.8.3
Provides several useful patterns, such as Enumerated, Command, Enquiry, Query, QueryFil...
60 463 Téléchargements
ecm_courses2 1.1.4
Ecm::Courses Module.
30 777 Téléchargements
bookkeeper 0.0.7
Bokkeeper is a Rails mountable engine with Twitter Bootstrap compatible markup.
30 769 Téléchargements
validates_timeliness-mongoid 5.0.1
ValidatesTimeliness mongoid ORM compatability.
29 924 Téléchargements
rightnow_oms 0.1.6
A common mountable engine can be used to manage the orders.
22 699 Téléchargements
enju_trunk_frbr 2.0.0
FRBR models requierd for EnjuTrunk
10 130 Téléchargements
solidus_br_common 1.1.3
This extension has goal to provide common aspects as cities, extras address information...
9 102 Téléchargements
spree_price 3.1.19
Flexible price for spree
7 439 Téléchargements
k3cms_blog 0.1.0
Provides a simple blog
5 162 Téléchargements
enju_standalone_interface 0.0.1
standalone clinet interface for Next-L enju
4 684 Téléchargements
sakura-toolbox 0.1.5
This gem is just bootstrapping gems package.
3 352 Téléchargements
unico-training 7.8.0
Common resources for nobe projects like countries, states, cities, people, etc.
2 092 Téléchargements
dipa 0.1.0.pre.3
This gem provides an API for parallel processing like the parallel gem but distributed ...
1 607 Téléchargements