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tweettail 1.1.0

Get the latest search results streaming to your console: $ tweettail railsconf rubysolo: protip: it helps to actually READ the error message. #railsconf voxxit: So, everyone, how is #railsconf coming? When is the big 3.0 announcement? JesseGoldberg: @GavinStark I don't have as much to chat about as you do while you are at RailsConf. wndxlori: Anyone else not eaten yet #railsconf zenmatt: Great dinner and coversation with @heroku at n9ne in the palms. #railsconf Adkron: Damn you #railsconf why can I not visit you this year. I'm missing all the gitjour goodness. pengwynn: Meeting a lot of great folks at the open gov hackathon at #railsconf #gov20 davidjrice: Enjoying ordering taxis to our hotel... "for the wynn!" #railsconf quick noms at stripburger then whiskeys at the stage door with ey ftw! cricketgeek: as pointed out by @jnewland at sushi this evening... #railsconf paulog: had fun at gilt groupe coctail party. props. #railsconf Amuse_Bouche: I hope my two favorite people in the world form an alliance! (Swoon) RT: @dhh Loved talking to @tferris at #railsconf. So much resonates. abie: At open gov BOF #railsconf matthewcarriere: running a saas bof was great... I hope it gets some more time this week. #railsconf jdar: @tullytully RT @dgou:for the benefit of people at #railsconf keynote, here is penelope trunk on tim ferris: yorzi: Reading: "Rails 3 and the Real Secret to High Productivity: RailsConf 2009 - May 04 - 07, 2009, Las Vegas,NV" ( ) Or let it sit there all day with the -f option (like "tail -f"): tweettail -f railsconf




  1. 1.1.0 May 05, 2009* (13.5 KB)
  2. 1.0.0 May 05, 2009* (13.5 KB)

Development Dependencies (2):

hoe >= 1.8.0
newgem >= 1.4.1



  • Dr Nic

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 8,429

For this version 4,880

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: None
