RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour tty-progressbar Latest version of the following gems require tty-progressbar

tty 0.10.0

A toolbox for developing beautiful command line clients.

573 737 Téléchargements

doing 2.1.88

A tool for managing a TaskPaper-like file of recent activites. Perfect for the late-nig...

282 630 Téléchargements

runbook 1.1.0

Runbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...

197 237 Téléchargements

redmine-installer 3.0.4

Easy way how install/upgrade Redmine, EasyRedmine or EasyProject.

171 138 Téléchargements

branch_io_cli 0.13.1

Set up mobile app projects (currently iOS only) to use the Branch SDK without opening X...

97 482 Téléchargements

rfix 3.0.1

RuboCop CLI that only lints and auto-fixes code you committed by utilizing `git-log` an...

68 363 Téléchargements

chronicle-etl 0.6.1

Chronicle-ETL allows you to extract personal data from a variety of services, transform...

29 807 Téléchargements

gitsflow 0.6.3

GitSFlow is a tool that integrate Git custom commands with GitLab and it's inspired Git...

28 636 Téléchargements

gitsflow 0.6.3

GitSFlow is a tool that integrate Git custom commands with GitLab and it's inspired Git...

28 636 Téléchargements

rock_books 0.12.0

Extremely primitive accounting software.

28 259 Téléchargements

greenhat 0.8.0

Experimental SOS and Log Parser for GitLab

25 916 Téléchargements

nhkore 0.3.17

Scrapes NHK News Web (Easy) for the word frequency (core list) for Japanese language le...

25 391 Téléchargements

mina-multideploy 1.2.1

This gem will help you deploy the application on multiple servers in parallel. It takes...

18 877 Téléchargements

rrm 0.2.3

Makes updating Gemfile and friends easy for a lot of projects at once.

18 230 Téléchargements

choria-colt 0.8.1

Colt eases the Bolt tasks run through Choria

16 272 Téléchargements

db2_query 0.3.8

A Rails 7 (Ruby v3.1.0) plugin for connecting Db2 with Rails appplication by using ODBC...

15 895 Téléchargements

sfctl 1.0.4

sfctl is a command line interface for the Starfish API.

15 540 Téléchargements

server-status 1.3.0

Command line tool for quickly fetching and displaying vital host metrics

14 627 Téléchargements

gl 0.4.1

Uses the GitLab API based on the git project your are currently in

13 912 Téléchargements

csv_to_sqlite3 0.1.4

Add the executable "csv_to_sqlite" to your terminal, wich is used to create a SQLite3 d...

13 830 Téléchargements

ruby-edit 1.0.2

Edit grep results in one file

13 172 Téléchargements

pangea 0.0.42

control rest apis declaratively with ruby

12 646 Téléchargements

imapcli 2.0.1

Command-line tool to query IMAP servers

12 469 Téléchargements

bundler-download 1.4.0

bundler-download is a Bundler plugin for auto-downloading gem-specified extra files (e....

12 467 Téléchargements

tiramisu 0.0.4

Super-simple testing library for Ruby

12 061 Téléchargements

ath_vega 0.1.16

Ath helps you plan your workout using exercises from the open source app, 'wger'.

11 877 Téléchargements

gitloggl 0.33

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

11 525 Téléchargements

inventarium 0.3.1

CLI interface for

11 258 Téléchargements

minitest-bender 1.0.1

A comprehensive Minitest reporter.

10 705 Téléchargements

rb1drv-tools 0.1.5

Ruby OneDrive Library Tools

9 916 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 960 145

Pour cette version 93 012

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
