toys 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 toys
filewatcher 2.1.0
Detect changes in file system. Works anywhere.
1,562,111 下載
r18n-core 5.0.1
R18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style synt...
663,721 下載
module_methods 0.1.0
Extendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...
365,376 下載
r18n-desktop 5.0.1
A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just ...
362,357 下載
sinatra-r18n 5.0.2
A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...
350,991 下載
r18n-rails-api 5.0.0
R18n backend for Rails I18n and R18n filters and loader to support Rails translatio...
171,006 下載
r18n-rails 5.0.0
Out-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...
163,288 下載
alt_memery 2.1.0
Alt Memery is a gem for memoization. It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `Unb...
99,159 下載
faraday-encode_xml 1.0.0
Faraday middleware for encoding requests as XML.
85,371 下載
wgit 0.12.0
Wgit was primarily designed to crawl static HTML websites to index and search their con...
60,067 下載
filewatcher-cli 1.1.0
CLI for Filewatcher.
44,149 下載
gorilla_patch 5.0.1
Refine Ruby Core classes with methods like Active Support.
38,529 下載
flame-r18n 2.3.1
Flame extension which provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is a ...
27,402 下載
filewatcher-matrix 1.0.0
Spawn Filewatchers from file with path-command matrix.
19,386 下載
faraday-parse_dates 0.1.1
Parse dates from response.
13,586 下載
flame-pagination 0.3.0
Pagination for Flame application with Formalism forms.
6,933 下載
filewatcher-spinner 1.0.0
An ASCII spinner in console for Filewatcher.
2,732 下載
flame-raven_context 0.1.2
Helper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-raven` gem from Flame web applications.
2,484 下載
flame-sentry_context 0.3.1
Helper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-ruby` gem from Flame web applications.
2,397 下載
gcf 0.0.1
The gcf gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google Cloud F...
2,145 下載
filewatcher-access 1.0.0
Add `access` event for Filewatcher (where it's supported).
905 下載