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topologygenerator 0.0.14

The topologygenerator gem is a tool for building a custom output file format out of a given network topology. The topology can be retrieved from a custom file written in ruby by the user, or from an SDN controller (by specifying the API uri). The ONOS controller is currently supported, while the API for OpenDayLight is in progress. When building your output, you have to write a module that describes how to each class defined in the network topology. The topologygenerator gem will then use the defined modules to generate the output desired. You can see examples of how to use this gem in the public github webpage.




  1. 0.0.16 October 22, 2017 (112 KB)
  2. 0.0.15 October 22, 2017 (112 KB)
  3. 0.0.14 December 12, 2016 (108 KB)
  4. 0.0.13 December 12, 2016 (108 KB)
  5. 0.0.12 December 07, 2016 (108 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (16 total)

Development Abhängigkeiten (5):

bundler ~> 1.11
commander >= 0
rake ~> 10.0
rspec ~> 3.4
typhoeus >= 0



  • Andrés Laurito

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:


Downloads insgesamt 28.823

Für diese Version 1.971

Version veröffentlicht:



Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 0
