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test-pack-1 1.0.0

This is the public API for the Greenbyte Platform. **Note that this is the beta version of the API,** containing new features that might change. This means that any SDKs downloaded for this version might have minor incompatibilities in the future. If you want to view the latest stable API specification, use the version selection dropdown in the top right of the page. # What's new ## 2020-06-08 – Data endpoint aggregation by group If you have divided you sites into groups of assets, you can now aggregate your data by those groups when calling the Data, Real Time Data, and Data Per Category endpoints. The new `deviceLevel` aggregation mode (`aggregate` parameter) aggregates data based on the hierarchy level directly below site. ## 2020-04-27 – Data signal permissions It is now possible to set permissions for individual data signals for API keys (**Share** > **API Keys** in the Greenbyte Platform). When adding/editing an API key, there is a new option to select authorized data signals in addition to the device selection. Leaving the signal selection blank (nothing selected) gives permission to all current and future data signals, just like previously created API keys. API endpoints affected by data signal permissions: * `datasignals.json`: filters returned data signals based on permissions. * `data.json`, `realtimedata.json`, `datapercategory.json`: gives *401 Unauthorized* error for data signals without permission. * `status.json`, `activestatus.json`: may omit lost production values (in the `lostProduction` field) based on data signal permissions. ## 2020-03-30 – Data Per Category endpoint We have added a new endpoint to the Greenbyte Platform to make it possible to extract Lost Production data per contract category from the API. You can find more information about this endpoint here: [Data Per Category](#/http/api-endpoints/data/get-data-per-category). # General notes regarding endpoints * Endpoints that take `page` and `pageSize` parameters return a `Link` header as defined in [RFC 8288]( * Some endpoints return data in your local time zone. This time zone can be fetched from the `configuration.json` endpoint. * All endpoints can also be reached using the POST method, with a JSON request body instead of query parameters. * All endpoints implement rate limiting. More information is available under the *429* error response description for each endpoint.




  1. 1.0.2 September 14, 2020 (14,5 KB)
  2. 1.0.0 September 12, 2020 (30,5 KB)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (6):

certifi ~> 2016
faraday ~> 0.10
faraday-http-cache ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2
faraday_middleware ~> 0.13.1
logging ~> 2.0
test-unit ~> 3.1, >= 3.1.5


Pushed by:


  • APIMatic SDK Generator

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 16.302

Voor deze versie 1.553

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: ~> 2.0
