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sunspot_rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sunspot_rails

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

9,176 下載

sunspot-rails-http-basic-auth 0.0.2

HTTP Basic Authentication support for sunspot_rails

8,947 下載

sunspot_mongo_mapper 0.1.1

A Sunspot wrapper for MongoMapper.

8,453 下載

esp-gems 0.0.2

ESP's gemset

8,406 下載

data_mapped 0.0.2

Mixins for DataMapper

7,365 下載

spree_sunspot 1.0.0

Use Sunspot as search engine in Spree applications

6,981 下載

websolr-sunspot4heroku-cis 0.0.2

websolr with geocoding for heroku

6,866 下載

sunspot_mongomapper 0.0.4

A Sunspot wrapper for MongoMapper that is like sunspot_rails.

6,721 下載

stub_solr 0.0.6

overrided StubSessionProxy with AR queries to mimic sunspot

6,508 下載

sunspot_kaminari_support 0.0.2

Adds methods required for kaminari helpers in views to sunspot result

6,269 下載

vinova_sunspot_autocomplete 1.0.1

A Rails plugin encapsulating autocompletion of HTML text input using Solr and Sunspot

4,946 下載

notch8_sunspot_autocomplete 2.0.1

A Rails plugin encapsulating autocompletion of HTML text input using Solr and Sunspot

4,890 下載

jake3030-sunspot_with_kaminari 0.1.1

Extends sunspot to be compatible with kaminari for pagination

4,628 下載

sunspot_connector 0.2.0

Allows the override of some Sunspot Solr HTTP settings

4,524 下載

websolr-sunspot_rails_geoding 1.0

websolr to sunspot_rails shim

4,165 下載

sunspot_mongo-toothrot 1.1.0

Sunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid.

3,824 下載

websolr-sunspot4heroku 1.0.0

websolr with geocoding for heroku

3,776 下載

messaging_4 0.0.1

Messaging allows you to put have messaigng support in a rails or refinery application.

3,426 下載

sunspot_neo4j 1.0.0

A Sunspot wrapper for Neo4j that is like sunspot_rails.

3,249 下載

supplejack_api 1

Supplejack API

2,628 下載

calagator2 2.1.1

Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

1,609 下載

koalagator 3.0.0

Open source community calendaring platform

536 下載

總下載次數 5,234,792

這個版本 93,592




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
