Dépendances inversées pour sunspot_rails Latest version of the following gems require sunspot_rails
sunspot-queue 0.10.3
Background search indexing using existing worker systems.
698 246 Téléchargements
sunspot_test 0.4.2
Testing sunspot with cucumber can be a pain. This gem will automatically start/stop sol...
568 962 Téléchargements
sunspot-rails-tester 1.0.0
Enable sunspot during testing for *real* integration tests
324 128 Téléchargements
sunspot_with_kaminari 0.2.0
Extends sunspot to be compatible with kaminari for pagination
142 427 Téléchargements
has_searcher 0.0.97
This gem adds ability to construct search objects for indexed models, build search form...
115 763 Téléchargements
enju_seed 0.3.6
Seed module for Next-L Enju
103 026 Téléchargements
Description of EspAuth.
93 062 Téléchargements
websolr to sunspot_rails shim
76 432 Téléchargements
ems 0.1.12
Editorial Management system used within group projects
73 964 Téléchargements
esp-permissions 0.1.0
Description of EspPermissions.
72 984 Téléchargements
sunspot_mongo 1.2.1
Sunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid.
62 703 Téléchargements
tagalong 0.1.4
A Rails tagging plugin that makes sense.
44 930 Téléchargements
enju_core 0.1.0
Core module for Next-L Enju
41 452 Téléchargements
sunspot_mongoid 0.4.1
A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
40 368 Téléchargements
erp_search 4.2.0
The CompassAE Search Engine provides functionality to facilitate both dimensional and i...
33 679 Téléchargements
mokio 2.0.8
Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...
28 459 Téléchargements
jakewendt-active_record_sunspotter 4.3.1
26 377 Téléchargements
A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
23 653 Téléchargements
refinerycms-solr 1.0.9
An extension to handle the integration of Refinery CMS and Solr
21 888 Téléchargements
sunspot_association 0.2.1
Automatic association (re)indexing for your searchable Sunspot models.
19 855 Téléchargements
calagator 1.1.0
Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform
17 453 Téléchargements
h2ocube_rails_sunspot 0.0.5
Easy way to use sunspot for rails
17 055 Téléchargements
sunspot-rails-failover 0.0.5
Failover support for sunspot_rails
16 939 Téléchargements
healthchecker 1.1.5
Standardized, healthcheck end-point for rails apps
16 395 Téléchargements
Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform
15 923 Téléchargements
sunspot-parallel-reindex 0.0.6
Supply `rake sunspot:reindex:parallel` to support multi-process reindexing
15 686 Téléchargements
sunspot_offline 0.2.0
Because Solr sometimes fails, it happens. It might be a maintenance work you have to do...
11 167 Téléchargements
aq1018-sunspot_mongoid 0.5.0
A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
10 658 Téléchargements
dynamic_sunspot_search 0.1.4
Json query language for use with Solr and Ruby
10 106 Téléchargements
vinova_sunspot_mongoid 0.3.5
A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
10 082 Téléchargements