subunit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 subunit
liveblog 1.2.15
Uses the Dynarex gem to create a daily live blog. Convenient for grouping together micr...
127,126 下載
ruby-macrodroid 0.9.21
A macro builder for MacroDroid. #unofficialgem #experimental
79,065 下載
sra2019 0.7.3
Steps Recorder (MS Windows) Analyser 2019
27,085 下載
asterisk_mini_statement 0.1.7
Outputs a mini statement of recent telephone calls from the Asterisk Call Detail Recor...
22,274 下載
easyvideo_utils 0.6.1
A wrapper for ffmpeg to make basic video editing easier.
21,727 下載
unichron 0.4.1
A universal chron tool.
19,815 下載
british_suntimes 0.5.0
Generates the British sunrise and sunset times.
10,971 下載
youtube_transcript2020 0.3.3
Makes it easier to digest a Youtube video by reading the transcript.
9,320 下載
mybustracker 0.2.2
*Currently under development*. An unofficial gem to query the web se...
7,703 下載
v2av 0.1.1
Adds subtitles + TTS voiceover to video.
5,675 下載
trs24 0.1.1
Accepts a list of activty times and returns a summary of activity duration.
4,098 下載