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station 0.0.126

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.




  1. 0.5.16 November 23, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  2. 0.5.15 November 04, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  3. 0.5.14 October 24, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  4. 0.5.13 October 19, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  5. 0.5.12 September 29, 2022 (50.9 MB)
  6. 0.0.126 July 07, 2021 (50.8 MB)
Show all versions (95 total)

Runtime Dependencies (47):

activeadmin ~> 2.7
activesupport ~> 6.0
algoliasearch = 1.27.5
barnes = 0.0.9
bootsnap ~> 1.4
bugsnag ~> 6.13
chartkick = 4.0.4
coffee-rails ~> 5.0
colorize = 0.8.1
countries = 4.0.0
country_select = 6.0.0
devise ~> 4.7
diffy ~> 3.3
geocoder ~> 1.6
gmaps4rails = 2.1.2
greenhouse_io ~> 2.5
groupdate = 5.2.2
icalendar ~> 2.6
jbuilder = 2.11.2
listen ~> 3.2
lograge = 0.11.2
msgpack ~> 1.3
neatjson = 0.9
newrelic_rpm = 7.2.0
nokogiri = 1.11.7
octokit ~> 4.18
pg ~> 1.2
puma >= 5.3, < 6.0
rails ~> 6.1
railties ~> 6.0
recaptcha ~> 5.3
redis = 4.3.1
rest-client = 2.1.0
ruby-progressbar = 1.11.0
sassc-rails = 2.1.2
slack-notifier = 2.4.0
smartling = 2.0.3
split ~> 3.4
terminal-table = 3.0.1
titleize = 1.4.1
truncato ~> 0.7.11
webpacker ~> 5.1
woothee ~> 1.11

Development Dependencies (2):

rubocop ~> 1.16.0
rubocop-rails ~> 2.6


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  • Vonage DevRel

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 109,844

For this version 1,639

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
