sshkit 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sshkit
capistrano 3.19.2
Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
79,028,914 下载
airbrussh 1.5.3
A replacement log formatter for SSHKit that makes Capistrano output much easier on the ...
41,755,697 下载
capistrano-rvm 0.1.2
RVM integration for Capistrano
21,596,545 下载
capistrano-rbenv 2.2.0
rbenv integration for Capistrano
13,482,612 下载
kamal 2.5.3
Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.
2,585,513 下载
sshkit-interactive 0.3.0
An SSHKit backend that allows you to execute interactive commands on your servers.
2,174,637 下载
rvm1-capistrano3 1.4.0
RVM 1.x / Capistrano 3.x Integration Gem
1,000,018 下载
capistrano-chruby 0.1.2
chruby integration for Capistrano
699,467 下载
sshkit-sudo 0.1.0
SSHKit extension, for sudo operation with password input.
615,128 下载
capistrano-secrets-yml 1.2.1
Capistrano tasks for automating `secrets.yml` file handling for Rails 4+ apps. This plu...
566,788 下载
centurion 1.10.2
A deployment tool for Docker. Takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on ...
269,320 下载
capistrano-unicorn-nginx 5.2.0
Capistrano tasks for automatic and sensible unicorn + nginx configuraion. Enables zero...
256,098 下载
luban 0.12.14
Luban is a framework to manage server automation and application deployment
251,810 下载
capistrano-postgresql 6.2.0
Capistrano tasks for PostgreSQL configuration and management for Rails apps. Manages `d...
200,521 下载
cloudstack-nagios 0.21.0
cloudstack-nagios generates nagios configuration and checks for monitoring CloudStack w...
199,064 下载
capistrano-nodenv 1.1.0
nodenv integration for Capistrano
198,761 下载
runbook 1.1.0
Runbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...
197,747 下载
gaptool-client 0.8.2
gaptool cli client
173,496 下载
capistrano-figaro-yml 1.0.5
Capistrano tasks for automating figaro `application.yml` file handling for Rails 4+ app...
163,826 下载
cloudstrap 0.51.1.pre
Strapping Boots to Clouds
131,182 下载
cheftacular 2.15.5
Ruby gem for managing a chef stack. Primarily targetted towards rails stacks and is des...
115,155 下载
capistrano-ndenv 1.2.0
ndenv integration for Capistrano
100,337 下载
capistrano-wpcli 0.1.5
Capistrano tasks for managing Wordpress
91,846 下载
pvcglue 0.9.6
PVC_Glue description
88,418 下载
avst-cloud 0.1.42
Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
75,996 下载
madscience 0.0.29
Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...
73,071 下载
capistrano-env 1.0.0
capistrano with environments
73,032 下载
capistrano-asdf 1.1.1
ASDF integration for Capistrano
67,297 下载
capistrano-mb 0.35.1
Production-ready provisioning and deployment recipes for Rails 4 and Rails 5 stacks. In...
64,556 下载
mrsk 0.15.1
Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.
58,830 下载