RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour solargraph Latest version of the following gems require solargraph

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 2.8.0

A collection of test-related tools.

19 491 025 Téléchargements

devise-security 0.18.0

An enterprise security extension for devise.

15 107 692 Téléchargements

gitlab-qa 15.3.0

Integration tests for GitLab

6 899 629 Téléchargements

sidekiq_alive 2.4.0

SidekiqAlive offers a solution to add liveness probe of a Sidekiq instance. How? A ht...

5 440 075 Téléchargements

damerau-levenshtein 1.3.3

This gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...

3 470 656 Téléchargements

solargraph-rails 1.1.0

Add reflection on ActiveModel dynamic attributes that will be created at runtime

3 343 280 Téléchargements

cats_core 1.5.31

This rails engine represents the core module for CATS applications

285 049 Téléchargements

biodiversity 6.0.1

Parsing tool for biodiversity informatics

235 304 Téléchargements

pod-builder 5.4.2

Prebuild CocoaPods pods to make compiling your Xcode projects faster

204 965 Téléchargements

jekyll_picture_tag 2.1.2

Jekyll Picture Tag adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It automatica...

143 666 Téléchargements

objective_elements 1.1.2

Build HTML with simple ruby.

137 386 Téléchargements

aws_recon 0.5.33

AWS Recon is a command line tool to collect resources from an Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

132 874 Téléchargements

oso-oso 0.27.3

We have deprecated the legacy Oso open source library. We have plans for the next open ...

130 935 Téléchargements

ruby-bbcode 2.1.1

Convert BBCode to HTML and check whether the BBCode is valid.

125 581 Téléchargements

extenso_pt 0.8.3

Produz extenso em portugês de portugal, brasil ou numeracao romana. Os valores podem se...

109 868 Téléchargements

dyndnsd 3.10.0

A small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack.

99 910 Téléchargements

peerflixrb 6.1.2

With peerflixrb you can search for movies and TV shows and stream them directly on your...

95 575 Téléchargements

solargraph-standardrb 0.0.4

Solargraph Standardrb reporter

89 434 Téléchargements

zeebe-client 0.20.0

Zeebe client containing a simple wrapper for the GRPC protocol used by

85 978 Téléchargements

sidekiq-queue-pause 0.1.1

Let's you pause/unpause individual sidekiq queues.

83 041 Téléchargements

abank 0.7.0

Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apag...

62 434 Téléchargements

software_challenge_client 23.0.2

Provides functions to build a client for the coding competition Software-Challenge Germ...

60 711 Téléchargements

vimwiki_markdown 0.9.3

Converts a vimwiki markdown file to html. It parses [[links]] and has support for synt...

55 710 Téléchargements

heavylog 0.1.0

Format all Rails logging per request

51 171 Téléchargements

bicho 0.0.18

Library to access bugzilla

51 028 Téléchargements

sapoci 0.5.3

Ruby library and Rails plugin for punchout via SAP OCI protocol.

50 466 Téléchargements

change_healthcare-professional_claims 0.6.1

Provides a nicely-wrapped generated swagger client for CHC's professional claims API v3

47 476 Téléchargements

cns 2.0.0

Arquiva transactions etherscan/greymass/bitcoinde/kraken/paymium/therock no bigquery. P...

47 046 Téléchargements

wordless 2.2.0

The quickest CLI tool to setup a new WordPress locally. Wordless ready.

45 848 Téléchargements

acts_as_lockable_by 0.1.12

A ruby gem to atomically lock resources to prevent concurrent/multiple lockers from acc...

45 830 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 28 048 258

Pour cette version 52 458

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6
