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smugmugapi 0.9.5

FEATURES/PROBLEMS: I have written some simple tests of my "local" code, but have not attempted to mock out SmugMug or write a bunch of fragile hard coded tests. On top of that I just put the code together without tests as I was "testing" against the API. So there are a few more rough edges than I like, but it does seem to work :-) So I know there will be bugs, sorry – please let me know when you find them and I will try and fix them as quickly as possible. == SYNOPSIS:




  1. 0.9.7 December 13, 2007* (16 ko)
  2. 0.9.6 December 13, 2007* (13 ko)
  3. 0.9.5 December 10, 2007* (13 ko)
  4. 0.9.2 December 05, 2007* (12 ko)
  5. 0.9.0 December 03, 2007* (12 ko)

Dépendances de Runtime (2):

hoe >= 1.3.0
mime-types > 0.0.0



  • Patrick Hurley

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 18 307

Pour cette version 3 415

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: > 0.0.0
