slack-api 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 slack-api
ruboty-slack_rtm 3.2.5
Slack real time messaging adapter for Ruboty
86,155 下載
redata 1.3.13
Controll data process by sub query and easy command line
37,680 下載
simple_slack 0.5.0
simple use slack
33,532 下載
slappy 0.6.3
Simple Slack Bot Framework. Use Slack RealTime API and Web API.
28,703 下載
slack-keep-presence 0.1.14
Mark your Slack user as active when auto-away kicks in
26,661 下載
komonjo 0.1.10
A Slack client wrapper.
24,342 下載
slackup 0.1.1
Backup slack channels with just a name and a token
17,295 下載
ruboty-haiku_wo_yome 0.3.3
Search users message from Slack and find haiku
15,877 下載
lita-capistrano 0.2.3
A Lita handler to integrate with Capistrano.rb
15,433 下載
whois_slacking 0.0.6
Pivotal/Slack integration that sends a (daily) message of how long each user has worked...
12,513 下載
ruboty-slack_reaction_added 0.6.0
Slack reaction added extension for Ruboty
11,134 下載
slack_scratcher 0.2
Importing slack log from exported files or API to elasticsearch or other datastores
7,608 下載
rundock-plugin-hook-slack 0.2.2
rundock plugin for slack API hook
7,431 下載
sd-ruby-libs 0.0.3
basic slack and google sheets functionality
5,471 下載
slack_neuralyzer 0.1.1
This is a ruby gem for bulk delete messages and files on Slack channels.
4,594 下載
slackgetter 0.1.1
Ruby gem to get messages from slack.
4,216 下載
ruboty-reinvite 0.1.0
An Ruboty Handler + Actions to kick and invite bot to Slack Channel.
2,978 下載
hitorigoto_reporter 3.0.0
Summarize slack posts into
2,689 下載