sass-embedded 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-embedded
graphql-docs 5.2.0
Library and CLI for generating a website from a GraphQL API's schema definition. Wi...
29,439,647 下載
jekyll-sass-converter 3.1.0
A basic Sass converter for Jekyll.
27,174,706 下載
dartsass-rails 0.5.1
Integrate Dart Sass with the asset pipeline in Rails.
2,212,349 下載
bootstrap-email 1.5.1
Bootstrap 5+ stylesheet, compiler, and inliner for responsive and consistent emails wit...
1,156,077 下載
sassc-embedded 1.80.4
An embedded sass shim for SassC.
1,149,991 下載
dartsass-ruby 3.0.2
Use Dart Sass with Ruby
353,349 下載
nesta 0.18.0
Nesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using the Sinatra web...
72,770 下載
view_component_scoped_css 0.2.0
Inspired by the css in js component, it provides functionality to allow the same co...
10,392 下載
staticz 1.1.1
Create websites with haml and sass, and compile them into static html and css
10,361 下載
nanoc-dart-sass 1.0.4
Provides a :dart_sass filter for Nanoc
3,384 下載
rtram 1.0.1
RTram provides a server to develop static websites while converting Slim and Sass into ...
2,629 下載
sprockets-sass_embedded 0.2.2
Process and compress Sass files using Sprockets 4 and Embedded Dart Sass.
2,121 下載