Dépendances inversées pour ruby_parser Latest version of the following gems require ruby_parser
gettext_i18n_rails 1.13.0
Simple FastGettext Rails integration.
38 824 165 Téléchargements
html2haml 2.3.0
Converts HTML into Haml
32 237 719 Téléchargements
flay 2.13.3
Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable...
27 585 060 Téléchargements
flog 4.8.0
Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the scor...
22 423 820 Téléchargements
ruby2ruby 2.5.2
ruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatib...
17 164 021 Téléchargements
protocol 2.0.1
This library offers an implementation of protocols against which you can check the conf...
14 281 330 Téléchargements
rubycritic 4.9.1
RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...
12 681 526 Téléchargements
fasterer 0.11.0
Use Fasterer to check various places in your code that could be faster.
7 952 921 Téléchargements
hairtrigger 1.3.0
allows you to declare database triggers in ruby in your models, and then generate appro...
5 723 110 Téléchargements
churn 1.0.8
High method and class churn has been shown to have increased bug and error rates. This ...
2 517 257 Téléchargements
roodi 5.0.0
Roodi parses your Ruby code and warns you about design issues you have based on the che...
2 295 631 Téléchargements
debride 1.12.0
Analyze code for potentially uncalled / dead methods, now with auto-removal.
1 117 032 Téléchargements
safemode 1.5.0
A library for safe evaluation of Ruby code based on RubyParser and Ruby2Ruby. Provides ...
877 721 Téléchargements
sourcify 0.5.0
Workarounds before ruby-core officially supports Proc#to_source (& friends)
819 282 Téléchargements
dawnscanner 2.2.0
dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. It is especially designed...
814 762 Téléchargements
i18nliner 0.2.4
No .yml files. Inline defaults. Optional keys. Inferred interpolation values. Wrappers ...
811 549 Téléchargements
partialruby 0.3.0
Ruby partial interpreter written in pure-ruby
554 059 Téléchargements
wrong 0.7.1
Wrong provides a general assert method that takes a predicate block. Assertion failure ...
539 932 Téléchargements
wrong 0.7.1
Wrong provides a general assert method that takes a predicate block. Assertion failure ...
539 932 Téléchargements
quality 40.0.1
Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
480 602 Téléchargements
ripper_ruby_parser 1.11.0
RipperRubyParser is a parser for Ruby based on Ripper that aims to be a drop-in replace...
411 186 Téléchargements
brakeman-min 7.0.0
Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...
338 729 Téléchargements
rufus-treechecker 1.0.8
tests strings of Ruby code for unauthorized patterns (exit, eval, ...)
297 151 Téléchargements
haml2slim 0.4.7
Convert Haml templates to Slim templates.
264 905 Téléchargements
mvz-live_ast 2.2.0
LiveAST enables a program to find the ASTs of objects created by dynamically genera...
184 456 Téléchargements
excellent 2.1.1
Excellent finds the nasty lines in your code. It implements a comprehensive set of chec...
152 955 Téléchargements
ruby_parser-legacy 1.0.0
ruby_parser-legacy includes the ruby 1.8 and 1.9 parsers from ruby_parser (now removed)...
145 328 Téléchargements
brakeman-lib 7.0.0
Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...
132 944 Téléchargements
dynamic_fieldsets 0.1.20
Dynamic fieldsets for rails controllers
128 060 Téléchargements
codesake-dawn 1.2.99
Codesake::Dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. Starting from J...
111 660 Téléchargements