ruby-processing 1.0.5
Ruby-Processing is a Ruby wrapper for the Processing code art framework. It's this thin little shim that squeezes between Processing and JRuby, passing along some neat goodies like: * Applet and Application exporting of your sketches. Hand them out to your party guests, ready-to-run. * Live Coding via JRuby's IRB. Loads in your sketch so you can futz with variables and remake methods on the fly. * Bare sketches. Write your Ruby-Processing sketches without having to define a class. Without defining methods, even. * A "Control Panel" library, so that you can easily create sliders, buttons, checkboxes and drop-down menus, and hook them into your sketch's instance variables. * "Watch" mode, where Ruby-Processing keeps an eye on your sketch and reloads it from scratch every time you make a change. A pretty nice REPL-ish way to work on your Processing sketches.