Dépendances inversées pour ruby-fftw3 Latest version of the following gems require ruby-fftw3
audio_stream 3.4.0
AudioStream is a Digital Audio Workstation for CLI
41 000 Téléchargements
gphys 1.5.6
Comprehensive library for self-descriptive gridded physical data (in NetCDF, GrADS, or ...
39 949 Téléchargements
scbi_cominer 0.0.8
scbi_cominer is a ruby gem to calculate some interesting regions and statistics from co...
22 819 Téléchargements
nlife 0.2.0
Game of Life with customizable rules on ncurses viewer
10 026 Téléchargements
music_detector 0.1.3
detects music on wave (.wav) file
7 851 Téléchargements
a multi-purpose class to handle Gridded Physical quantities.
7 461 Téléchargements