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rubocop-sequel 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-sequel


This gem provides default rubocop settings for Umbrellio projects

305,686 下載

oxidized 0.32.1

software to fetch configuration from network devices and store them

278,577 下載

gorilla_patch 5.0.1

Refine Ruby Core classes with methods like Active Support.

38,220 下載

ditty 0.11.1

Sinatra Based Application Framework

36,644 下載

rubocop-rickselby 0.53.0

Code styling for my projects

18,655 下載

appydays 0.12.2

appydays provides support for env-based configuration, and common structured logging ca...

15,586 下載

longleaf 1.1.1

Longleaf is a command-line tool which allows users to configure a set of storage locati...

14,629 下載

hoboken 0.10.0

Sinatra project generator.

13,942 下載

sequel-state-machine 1.4.0

sequel-state-machine hooks together the excellent Ruby Sequel ORM to the state-machines...

9,760 下載

sequel-soft-deletes 0.1.3

Gem for enabling soft-deletion in tables

9,414 下載

sequel-tstzrange-fields 0.2.1

Gem for enabling time ranges when working with postgres

7,321 下載

sequel-money-fields 0.1.0

Gem for adding money fields to a model

6,311 下載

rubocop-safe_todo_searcher 0.1.3

Search for Cops that can be automatically modified among the Cops listed in .rubocop_to...

4,799 下載

sequel-more-validations 1.0.0

sequel-more-validations is a Sequel model plugin that provides common helplful validati...

4,271 下載

sashite-rubocop 1.0.3

Shared RuboCop config used by Sashité's Ruby projects 👮🏾

3,301 下載

legion-data-java 1.1.3

The Legion connect gem

3,277 下載

總下載次數 2,469,185

這個版本 6,200




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
