Dependencias inversas para rubocop-govuk La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rubocop-govuk
gds-api-adapters 98.3.0
A set of adapters providing easy access to the GDS GOV.UK APIs
1.772.240 Descargas
govuk_publishing_components 55.0.0
A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications
1.555.194 Descargas
govuk_design_system_formbuilder 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
788.774 Descargas
slimmer 18.7.0
Rack middleware for skinning pages using a specific template
633.457 Descargas
plek 5.2.1
Find the right hostname for each service in an environment-dependent manner
589.061 Descargas
govuk_app_config 9.16.5
Base configuration for GOV.UK applications
535.733 Descargas
govuk-components 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
495.896 Descargas
govspeak 10.2.1
A set of extensions to markdown layered on top of the kramdown library for use in the U...
466.054 Descargas
gds-sso 19.1.0
Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO
456.275 Descargas
html-attributes-utils 1.0.2
A small collection of utilities to ease working with hashes of HTML attributes
401.938 Descargas
metadata_presenter 3.4.4
Service Metadata Presenter for the MoJ Forms product
340.128 Descargas
govuk_admin_template 7.0.0
Styles, scripts and templates for GOV.UK admin applications
267.800 Descargas
govuk_tech_docs 4.2.0
Gem to distribute the GOV.UK Tech Docs Template. See
248.341 Descargas
scss_lint-govuk 0.2.0
Shared scss-lint rules for SASS projects in GOV.UK
181.524 Descargas
govuk_sidekiq 9.0.6
Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications.
170.203 Descargas
govuk_personalisation 1.1.0
A gem to hold shared code which other GOV.UK apps will use to implement accounts-relate...
154.974 Descargas
govuk_markdown 2.0.2
Convert Markdown into GOV.UK styled HTML
149.758 Descargas
govuk_test 4.1.1
Test configuration and dependencies for applications on GOV.UK
142.813 Descargas
govuk_ab_testing 3.0.0
Gem to help with A/B testing on the GOV.UK platform
133.365 Descargas
govuk_schemas 5.0.4
Gem to generate test data based on GOV.UK content schemas
128.218 Descargas
govuk_document_types 3.1.0
Gem to share document type groupings
96.445 Descargas
govwifi_eapoltest 0.2.0
These are a set of helpers to test Freeradius.
50.613 Descargas
govuk_message_queue_consumer 5.0.2
Avoid writing boilerplate code in order to consume messages from an AMQP message queue....
48.191 Descargas
gds_zendesk 3.7.0
Client and models for communicating with Zendesk
43.834 Descargas
rack-logstasher 2.2.1
Rack middleware to log requests in logstash json event format. Like the logstasher gem...
30.419 Descargas
govuk-connect 0.8.1
Command line tool to connect to GOV.UK infrastructure
25.379 Descargas
govuk_seed_crawler 3.2.1
Retrieves a list of URLs to seed the crawler by publishing them to a RabbitMQ exchange.
11.928 Descargas
optic14n 3.0.2
Canonicalises URLs.
11.816 Descargas
govuk-design-system-rails 0.10.3
An implementation of the govuk-frontend macros in Ruby on Rails
6.568 Descargas
govuk_web_banners 1.1.2
A gem to support banners on GOV.UK frontend applications
5.367 Descargas