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rubocop-bridgetown 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-bridgetown

bridgetown-seo-tag 6.0.0

A Bridgetown plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to bett...

37,124 下载

bridgetown-feed 3.1.2

A Bridgetown plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Bridgetown posts

35,436 下载

bridgetown-quick-search 3.0.3

A component for Bridgetown sites which performs search queries with Lunr.js.

25,926 下载

bridgetown-svg-inliner 2.0.0

Liquid and ERB helper for Bridgetown to inline SVG files within HTML

22,068 下载

bridgetown-cloudinary 2.1.0

Embed or access images with transformations using Cloudinary

19,090 下载

bulmatown 1.2.3

A Bulma CSS starter theme for Bridgetown

18,080 下载

bridgetown-view-component 2.0.0

Brings GitHub's ViewComponent library to Bridgetown

16,024 下载

bridgetown-content-security-policy 2.0.0

Add a content security policy to your website using a convenient Ruby DSL

15,240 下载

bridgetown-plugin-tailwindcss 0.1.13

A plugin to add tailwindcss to a site

13,730 下载

bridgetown-prismic 1.0.1

A Prismic CMS integration plugin for Bridgetown

10,363 下载

bridgetown-minify-html 2.0.0

Minify Outputted HTML in Bridgetown

10,031 下载

bridgetown-slim 2.0.0

A Bridgetown plugin which provides support for Slim templates.

9,877 下载

bridgetown-lit-renderer 2.0.0

Simple pipeline for SSR + hydration of Lit components

8,955 下载

bridgetown_theme_single_page_opt_in 0.2.2

a template for getting your kicks in with online sales

7,848 下载

bridgetown-haml 2.0.0

A Bridgetown plugin which provides support for Haml templates.

7,828 下载

bridgetown-sample-plugin 0.1.3

Sample code for creating new Bridgetown plugins

7,314 下载

graphtown 1.1.0

Easily consume GraphQL APIs for your Bridgetown website using a tidy Builder DSL on top...

6,138 下载

bridgetown-plugin-nano 0.2.1

Sets up a Rails-based Nano API backend for Bridgetown

4,420 下载

bridgetown-mdjs 1.0.1

Kramdown-based support for Markdown JavaScript (mdjs) in Bridgetown

4,200 下载

bridgetown-avatar 0.1.1

Liquid tag to insert a Github avatar

3,292 下载

bridgetown-notable 0.2.0

Plugin to host a Notable data directory

3,120 下载

bridgetown-activerecord 2.2.0

Plugin to add ActiveRecord support to Bridgetown sites

3,096 下载

bridgetown_jam_comments 1.1.0

A Bridgetown plugin for setting up JamComments in a Bridgetown site.

2,518 下载

bridgetown_markdown_lazylinks 0.3.0

Support for lazy markdown reference links

2,302 下载

bridgetown-media-transformation 0.1.0

Image and video transformation via image_processing and ffmpeg

2,004 下载

authtown 0.5.0

Rodauth integration for Bridgetown

1,672 下载

bridgetown_internal_markdown_links 0.2.0

Parse internal links in markdown files

1,224 下载

bridgetown_sequel 1.1.1

Bridgetown plugin for integrating the Sequel database gem

1,161 下载

bridgetown_notion 0.2.0

Integrates with Notion so we can use notion like a CMS

1,134 下载

bridgetown-rougify 0.1.0

Rougify your syntax highlighting in Bridgetown markdown code blocks

1,113 下载

下载总量 17,186

这个版本 310




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.1.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
