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rtanque 0.1.2

RTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send their tank+brain into battle with other tanks. All tanks are otherwise equal. Rules of the game are simple: Last bot standing wins. Gameplay is also pretty simple. Each tank has a base, turret and radar, each of which rotate independently. The base moves the tank, the turret has a gun mounted to it which can fire at other tanks, and the radar detects other tanks in its field of vision. Have fun competing against friends' tanks or the sample ones included. Maybe you'll start a small league at your local Ruby meetup.




  1. 0.1.3 January 09, 2018 (1,78 Mo)
  2. 0.1.2 January 27, 2014 (1,78 Mo)
  3. 0.1.1 May 26, 2013 (1,78 Mo)
  4. 0.1.0 April 23, 2013 (1,78 Mo)
  5. 0.0.2 March 10, 2013 (1,78 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (6)

Dépendances de Runtime (5):

configuration ~> 1.3.2
gosu ~> 0.7.45
octokit ~> 2.7.0
texplay >= 0
thor ~> 0.17.0

Dépendances de Development (3):

pry >= 0
rspec ~> 2.13.0
rspec-mocks ~> 2.13.0



  • Adam Williams

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 14 520

Pour cette version 3 418

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
