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Dependencias inversas para rspec-github La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-github

security 0.1.5

Interact with the macOS Keychain

88.869.009 Descargas

puppetlabs_spec_helper 8.0.0

Contains rake tasks and a standard spec_helper for running spec tests on puppet modules.

15.502.261 Descargas

statesman 12.1.0

A statesman-like state machine library

5.018.480 Descargas

active_currency 1.4.1

Store your currency.

767.392 Descargas

voxpupuli-acceptance 3.5.1

A package that depends on all the gems Vox Pupuli modules need and methods to simplify ...

413.216 Descargas

anony 1.6.0

A small library that defines how ActiveRecord models should be anonymised for deletion ...

161.281 Descargas

to_factory 2.1.0

Autogenerate and append/create factory_girl definitions from the console

77.587 Descargas

mudguard 0.2.5

mudguard helps your ruby project not becoming a 'Big ball of mud'

31.554 Descargas

keypairs 2.0.0

Manage application level keypairs with automatic rotation and JWT support

14.918 Descargas

ffi-gdal-extensions 0.1.2

Make ffi-gdal feel more like Ruby, plus adds some new functionality

8.659 Descargas

sql_attributes 1.0.0

Add virtual attributes to an ActiveRecord model based on an SQL query.

3.218 Descargas

statesman_mongoid 0.5.0

Mongoid adapters for Statesman

3.055 Descargas

rspec-trace-formatter 0.2.0

Create traces from RSpec tests using OpenTelemetry or your own tracing library

2.802 Descargas

panda-core 0.1.11

Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...

1.786 Descargas

panda-cms 0.7.3

Better websites on Rails.

525 Descargas

Total de descargas 5.196.361

Para esta versión 113.940

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.1
