rscribd 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rscribd
scribd-carrierwave 0.1.3
Allows you to have a CarrierWave uploader automatically upload to scribd
58,815 下載
scribd_fu 2.0.11
A Rails gem that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service
36,382 下載
mdarby-scribd_fu 2.0.4
A Rails plugin that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service
35,196 下載
A Rails plugin that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service
6,495 下載
Shadowfiend-scribd_fu 1.3
A Rails plugin that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service
5,850 下載
A Rails plugin that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service
3,507 下載