rpi_pinin 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rpi_pinin
rpi_pinin_msgout 0.3.5
Returns meaningful messages for humans from the capture of a Raspberry PI GPIO input pin.
23,697 下載
humble_rpi-plugin-magneticswitch 0.3.2
A Humble RPi plugin which detects the opening or closing of a door using a magnetic swi...
14,732 下載
humble_rpi-plugin-pir 0.2.0
A humble_rpi plugin which detects motion for 1 or more PIR sensor. This plugin can be t...
9,979 下載
humble_rpi-plugin-tiltsensor 0.2.0
A Humble RPi plugin to detect movement using a tilt sensor.
7,288 下載
morsecode_keypad 0.1.1
Designed for using morsecode on the Raspberry Pi with a keypad which has 4 buttons (das...
4,659 下載