Dépendances inversées pour routing-filter Latest version of the following gems require routing-filter
refinerycms-i18n 5.0.1
i18n logic extracted from Refinery CMS, for Refinery CMS.
450 837 Téléchargements
knitkit 3.2.0
Knitkit is CompassAE's content and digital asset management application. It is based on...
88 010 Téléchargements
adva-core 0.0.14
Core engine for adva-cms2.
61 019 Téléchargements
catarse_full 0.1.0
Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.
21 404 Téléchargements
routing_filter_locale_unless_api 0.2.3
A routing-filter additional filter that add locale unless XML or JSON, or root_url with...
19 367 Téléchargements
porthos 3.0.0.beta2
A CMS engine for Ruby On Rails projects using mongodb. Featuring customizable page type...
7 196 Téléchargements