Dépendances inversées pour rollbar Latest version of the following gems require rollbar
puppeteer-ruby 0.45.6
A ruby port of puppeteer
1 088 467 Téléchargements
resque-rollbar 0.4.0
Resque failure backend for Rollbar
1 075 892 Téléchargements
rollbar_helper 1.1.0
Displays a stacktrace in rollbar
896 593 Téléchargements
lhs 26.2.0
LHS ia a Rails-Gem, providing an ActiveRecord like interface to access HTTP-JSON-Servic...
524 550 Téléchargements
FlyData Agent
470 148 Téléchargements
opener-daemons 2.7.4
Toolkit for turning OpeNER components into daemons
326 157 Téléchargements
pliny 1.2.0
Pliny is a set of base classes and helpers to help developers write excellent APIs in S...
303 905 Téléchargements
rest-ftp-daemon 1.1.1
A pretty simple transfer daemon, controlled with a RESTful API
281 245 Téléchargements
faraday-sunset 0.2.0
Faraday middleware that sniffs responses for Sunset headers
233 046 Téléchargements
opener-webservice 2.2.1
Basic webservice hooks for the OpeNER toolchain
229 955 Téléchargements
vault-tools 2.1.1
Basic tools for Heroku Vault's Ruby projects
184 538 Téléchargements
minimum_viable_product 0.7.15
Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.
169 237 Téléchargements
rollkiq 0.1.0
Customize how and when sidekiq sends an exception to rollbar
125 729 Téléchargements
smoke_detector 2.0.1
Provides a single interface for posting errors to multiple error reporting providers (A...
115 236 Téléchargements
rollbar-shoryuken 1.1.0
rollbar's plugin for shoryuken.
106 212 Téléchargements
minitest_rollbar 1.0.0
A minitest reporter that logs test exceptions to Rollbar.
101 127 Téléchargements
blabbermouth-rollbar 0.1.4
Bystander for Blabbermouth that posts to Rollbar
100 078 Téléchargements
pushyd 0.29.0
A nice proxy listenning to a RabbitMQ bus, repeating selected messages in POST requests...
85 762 Téléchargements
etna 0.1.52
See summary
58 906 Téléchargements
ree_lib 1.1.1
Ree Lib provides set of packages to extend Ruby Standard Library
54 097 Téléchargements
crono_trigger 0.8.3
In Service Asynchronous Job Scheduler for Rails. This gem handles ActiveRecord model as...
46 661 Téléchargements
rest-client-jogger 1.3.0
Logs RestClient requests in a JSON format.
46 467 Téléchargements
pg_rails 7.6.35
Rails goodies.
45 255 Téléchargements
cfn-bridge 0.0.16
Implements custom operations for CF calls
43 875 Téléchargements
rollbar-jets 0.3.1
Rollbar exception report support for Jets
34 066 Téléchargements
pushmi_pullyu 2.1.6
Ruby application to manage flow of content from Jupiter into Swift for preservation
32 819 Téléchargements
production_toolkit 0.3.2
Integrate production gems for high quality projects.
28 399 Téléchargements
rollbar-user_informer 0.1.0
show exception ids on error pages for easier support
25 416 Téléchargements
historiographer 4.1.14
Append-only histories + chained snapshots of your ActiveRecord tables
25 287 Téléchargements
arcadia_logger 0.1.2
Enables flexible logging to multiple adapters by providing common interface
19 689 Téléchargements