RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para ridley La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ridley

sensu-plugins-chef 7.1.1

This plugin provides native Chef instrumentation for moni...

1.047.673 Descargas

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

311.773 Descargas

vagrant-butcher 2.3.1

Delete Chef client and node when destroying Vagrant VM

173.368 Descargas

kitchen_hooks 2.1.1

GitLab WebHoook for automated Chef Server uploads.

154.648 Descargas

cheftacular 2.15.5

Ruby gem for managing a chef stack. Primarily targetted towards rails stacks and is des...

114.949 Descargas

berkshelf-api 3.0.0

Berkshelf dependency API server

87.788 Descargas

ridley-connectors 2.4.0

A Connector API for talking to nodes managed by Chef

69.262 Descargas

stacksondeck 1.3.1

Stupid simple Chef-Rundeck integration.

50.724 Descargas

berkflow 1.0.0

A CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern.

44.569 Descargas

vagrant-chef-zero 2.0.0

Enables Vagrant to spawn a Chef Zero instance that is shared by all VMs.

44.499 Descargas

reagan 1.1.0

Trust But Verify - Ruby build script for Jenkins that automates the testing of Chef coo...

42.252 Descargas

aether 0.1.1

Simple wrapper over Ridley gem (a Chef API client)

42.017 Descargas

berktacular 2.0.1

Generates a Berksfile from JSON style Chef environment files. Also support extension t...

41.700 Descargas

silver_spurs 1.0.2

This is a simple REST service to kick off bootstrap processes. It is intended for use i...

37.054 Descargas

bellboy 0.5.0

Version, install & upload data bag items that are stored alongside your Berkshelf Cookb...

31.046 Descargas

minimart 1.2.5

MiniMart is a RubyGem that makes it simple to build a repository of Chef cookbooks usin...

30.536 Descargas

knife-uploader 0.3.1

Knife plugin for better uploading of data bags and run lists to Chef Server

26.369 Descargas

kitchen-gce 0.2.0

A Test-Kitchen driver for Google Compute Engine

23.395 Descargas

chef-busboy 0.0.8

Command line tool for chef-server, implementing a small subset of activities

21.051 Descargas

kitchen-inspector 1.3.0

Given a Chef cookbook, verifies its dependencies against a Chef Server and a Repository...

14.511 Descargas

berkshelf-store 0.3.2

A cookbook store based on the berkshelf API

10.346 Descargas

hoss 0.2.0

Index your infrastructure with Elasticsearch.

8.236 Descargas

jackchop 0.2.0

Rally's gem for cookbook development

7.471 Descargas

knife-briefcase 0.1.0

Knife plugin to store GPG-encrypted data in Chef data bag

7.000 Descargas

head_chef 0.1.1

Head Chef is a Chef workflow CLI built on Berkshelf

6.629 Descargas

head_chef 0.1.1

Head Chef is a Chef workflow CLI built on Berkshelf

6.629 Descargas

ridley-exec 0.0.2

Basic utility for executing ruby scripts with ridley chef API in scope

5.832 Descargas

check_chef_converge 1.0.0

# CheckChefConverge This is a Nagios/Sensu check that can check if nodes returned from...

3.452 Descargas

tweety_bird 0.0.1

A deployment tracking service for Chef.

3.373 Descargas

chef_synchronize 1.0.7

Sync a monolithic chef repo to a chef server.

3.167 Descargas

Total de descargas 8.239.774

Para esta versión 3.959.225

Versión publicada:


Apache 2.0

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2
