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reveal-ck 3.2.0

A command line interface for generating reveal.js presentations. You have something important to say, and you are a busy person. Why not write your next presentation in (github flavored) markdown? reveal-ck has been used by students, teachers, trainers, and conference presenters. It just "works." It lets you stay focused on your content-- not the tools that you are using to make your content. It produces reveal.js presentations, which are beautiful and world-class. If you are already familiar with reveal.js, great! You will now be able to use html, html+erb, haml, or slim to most efficiently write out your presentation markup. You can provide your own CSS tweaks without intermingling "your" presentation code with reveal.js's base CSS. You can write slides with a Ruby DSL! You can generate slide content with database and network calls.. but that's another story. Finally-- livereload is built in-- so it supports a nice flow where you keep a browser open on your slides, and save with your editor, the browser updates with your latest work.




  1. 4.0.0 February 16, 2020 (1,86 MB)
  2. 3.9.2 February 19, 2019 (1,64 MB)
  3. 3.9.1 December 25, 2018 (1,64 MB)
  4. 3.9.0 November 30, 2018 (1,64 MB)
  5. 3.8.1 November 25, 2018 (1,59 MB)
  6. 3.2.0 May 30, 2015 (1,52 MB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (36 total)

dependencias de Runtime (15):

docile = 1.1.5
gemoji = 2.1.0
gli = 2.12.3
guard = 2.12.4
haml = 4.0.6
html-pipeline = 1.11.0
listen = 2.8.5
rack = 1.6.0
rack-livereload = 0.3.15
rake = 10.4.2
redcarpet = 3.2.2
rinku = 1.7.3
slim = 3.0.2
tilt = 2.0.1

dependencias de Development (8):

aruba >= 0
cucumber >= 0
nokogiri >= 0
relish >= 0
rspec >= 0
rubocop >= 0
simplecov >= 0



  • Jed Northridge

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 84.136

Para esta versión 2.329

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
