resque-pool 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 resque-pool
sufia-models 6.7.0
Models and services for sufia
161,426 下載
resque-pool-lifeguard 0.4.0
Adds live GUI queue/worker management to resque-pool
67,876 下載
resque-cluster 0.2.5
A management tool for resque workers. Allows spinning up and managing resque workers ac...
53,533 下載
curation_concerns-models 0.11.0
An extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files
35,493 下載
capistrano-resque-pool 0.2.0
Capistrano integration for Resque pool
22,261 下載
resque-pool-dynamic 0.1.3
A class to dynamically manage number of processes and status in the resque pool with a ...
15,396 下載
traktor 0.4
Formrausch addtions to vlad deployment. Many new defaults.
11,480 下載
easy_ml 0.1.4
High level plug-and-play interface for composing Machine Learning applications
10,378 下載
supplejack_api 1
Supplejack API
2,639 下載