Dépendances inversées pour rb-kqueue Latest version of the following gems require rb-kqueue
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
63 741 Téléchargements
uh-wm 0.2.2
uhwm is a minimalistic tiling and stacking window manager for X. It shares some similar...
43 513 Téléchargements
ckm_client 0.3.0
CKM client via web services and command line tool
24 427 Téléchargements
owl-cms 0.1.5
A ruby CMS...
14 530 Téléchargements
notified_tail 0.2.2
Uses inotify/kqueue on supported platforms to avoid polling latency and overhead
12 811 Téléchargements
vagrant-listen-server 0.2.0
Guard / Listen TCP server to publish filesystem events to guests.
12 201 Téléchargements
poly-cms 0.1.2
Poly is a Ruby CMS with smart asset compiling and much, much more.
8 950 Téléchargements