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rake_git 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rake_git

ruby-terraform 1.8.0

Wraps the Terraform CLI so that Terraform can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

1,239,219 下載

lino 4.1.0

Command line builders and executors.

1,140,404 下載

rake_terraform 1.24.0

Provides rake tasks for executing terraform commands as part of a rake build.

801,716 下載

rake_dependencies 3.9.0

Provides rake tasks for downloading and extracting tools depended on for further build ...

772,179 下載

rake_fly 2.15.0

Rake tasks for common fly interactions allowing Concourse pipelines to be managed as pa...

727,819 下載

confidante 0.28.0

A configuration engine combining environment variables, programmatic overrides and the ...

719,710 下載

rake_docker 2.21.0

Allows building, tagging and pushing images and creating, starting, stopping and removi...

694,840 下載

ruby_fly 0.41.0

Wraps the concourse fly CLI so that fly can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

679,645 下載

rake_factory 0.33.0

Provides base classes and modules to allow declarative definition of rake tasks.

401,500 下載

concourse.rb 0.5.0

A Ruby SDK for the Concourse CI API.

245,309 下載

rake_leiningen 0.38.0

Rake tasks for common leiningen commands allowing a leiningen project to be managed as ...

222,444 下載

ruby_leiningen 0.29.0

Wraps the leiningen CLI so that leiningen can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

211,833 下載

ruby_gpg2 0.12.0

Wraps the gpg binary (>= 2.0) so that it can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

134,332 下載

rake_gpg 0.20.0

Rake tasks for common GPG related activities allowing keys to be managed and content to...

112,571 下載

rake_github 0.15.0

Allows managing repository deploy keys.

108,811 下載

ruby_git_crypt 0.1.0

Wraps the git-crypt CLI so that git-crypt can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

47,049 下載

rspec-terraform 0.4.0

Helpers, contexts and matchers to support using RSpec to test Terraform configurations ...

45,193 下載

rake_easy_rsa 0.15.0

Rake tasks for common PKI management tasks using EasyRSA.

42,333 下載

ruby_easy_rsa 0.13.0

Wraps the EasyRSA scripts so that they can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

41,314 下載

ruby_vault 0.2.0

Wraps the Vault CLI so that Vault can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

41,199 下載

rake_vault 0.4.0

Allows logging into and interacting with Hashicorp Vault.

39,375 下載

rollo 0.8.0

Strategies for rolling ECS container instance clusters.

25,846 下載

rake_npm 0.2.0

Allows managing dependencies, running scripts and publishing libraries using NPM.

20,152 下載

shivers 0.5.0

Semantic version number management, by file and environment, for CI pipelines.

19,888 下載

rake_template 0.8.0

Allows templates to be rendered based on values available within a Rakefile.

19,793 下載

ruby_npm 0.1.0

Wraps the NPM CLI so that NPM can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

18,386 下載

rake_process_manager 0.7.0

Rake tasks for starting and stopping background processes.

15,718 下載

ruby_helm 0.5.0

A thin Ruby wrapper around Helm

15,709 下載

rake_gcp 0.2.0

Allows logging into and interacting with Google Cloud Platform.

3,115 下載

ruby_zprint 0.1.0.pre.4

Wraps the zprint CLI so that zprint can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

634 下載

總下載次數 48,457

這個版本 5,138




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1
