rails_accordion 0.2.2.pre.beta
rails_accordion is a Ruby gem that provides an easy-to-use accordion component for use in Rails web applications. With this gem, developers can create collapsible sections of content that can be expanded or collapsed with a single click. The accordion is a great way to improve the user experience of your web application, by providing a clean and intuitive way to display complex information.
- 1.0.4 July 03, 2023 (51,5 KB)
- 1.0.3 July 03, 2023 (641 KB)
- 1.0.2 July 03, 2023 (641 KB)
- 1.0.1 June 14, 2023 (1,24 MB)
- 1.0.0 June 07, 2023 (1,24 MB)
- 0.2.2.pre.beta June 07, 2023 (1,24 MB)