ptools 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ptools
dawnscanner 2.2.0
dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. It is especially designed...
811,131 下載
win32-eventlog 0.6.7
The win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event log. Event...
667,235 下載
unobtainium 0.13.0
Unobtainium wraps Selenium and Appium in a simple driver abstraction so that test c...
626,558 下載
mirage 3.0.14
Mirage aids testing of your applications by hosting mock responses so that your applica...
273,501 下載
middleman-deploy 1.0.0
Deploy a middleman built site over rsync, ftp, sftp, or git (e.g. gh-pages on github).
230,293 下載
depengine 3.0.23
Simply generates Depengine text.
162,791 下載
dory 1.2.0
Dory lets you forget about IP addresses and port numbers while you are developing your ...
144,092 下載
acouchi 0.0.14
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
119,855 下載
archive-tar-external 1.5.0
The archive-tar-external is a simple wrapper interface for creating tar files using...
119,003 下載
codesake-dawn 1.2.99
Codesake::Dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. Starting from J...
111,500 下載
slackbot_frd 0.5.0
The slack web api is good, but very raw. What you need is a great ruby framework to ab...
64,448 下載
stepmod-utils 0.6.8
Stepmod-utils is a toolkit that works on STEPmod data.
61,819 下載
vae 0.9.5
Supports local development for Vae Platform (
60,335 下載
mkmf-lite 0.7.1
The mkmf-lite library is a light version of the the mkmf library designed for use a...
49,952 下載
aspelllint 0.14
See for example usage
46,240 下載
audio_monster 1.3.0
audio_monster manipulates and transcodes audio
37,767 下載
cohesion 1.0.3
Gem to test the cohesion of links within a rails site. The gem crawls the site and che...
37,004 下載
auto_response 0.2.0
HTTP debugging made easy.
35,060 下載
drydocker 0.1.11
Run tests on change in a docker container continuously
31,953 下載
code_rippa 1.0.1
Converts source code into a (bookmarked, themed, and syntax highlighted!) PDF.
29,756 下載
rbld 1.3.8
Zero-dependency, reproducible build environments
25,974 下載
Klipp, Xcode templates for the rest of us.
25,018 下載
overapp 0.5.1
22,279 下載
daftos 0.4.1
Daftos is a server running HTML5 application, providing them your local filesystem via ...
20,021 下載
cowl 0.7
See for example usage
19,362 下載
server_scripts 0.1.4
Easily write scripts for submitted jobs to various machines.
19,170 下載
rops 1.4.4
A tool to checkout, build, and deploy projects using Git, Docker, and Kubernetes
18,460 下載
git_cli 0.13.9
Interface to GIT via command line interface instead of some sor of library
17,933 下載
git2epub 0.2.1
The tool that generate epub from git repository
16,875 下載
dotsmack 0.5
See for example usage
14,758 下載