pry 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pry
rest-client 2.1.0
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
390,656,375 下載
rest-client 2.1.0
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
390,656,375 下載
rest-client 2.1.0
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
390,656,375 下載
rest-client 2.1.0
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
390,656,375 下載
terminal-table 4.0.0
Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
285,543,639 下載
knapsack 4.0.0
Parallel tests across CI server nodes based on each test file's time execution. It gene...
268,531,037 下載
xpath 3.2.0
XPath is a Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions
256,541,124 下載
pry-byebug 3.10.1
Combine 'pry' with 'byebug'. Adds 'step', 'next', 'finish', 'continue' and 'break' ...
227,636,369 下載
rack-cors 2.0.2
Middleware that will make Rack-based apps CORS compatible. Fork the project here: https...
203,212,292 下載
pry-rails 0.3.11
Use Pry as your rails console
184,260,183 下載
elasticsearch-api 8.17.1
Ruby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
176,868,349 下載
elasticsearch 8.17.1
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (client, API, etc.)
176,041,502 下載
fog-core 2.6.0
Shared classes and tests for fog providers and services.
163,091,851 下載
sassc 2.4.0
Use libsass with Ruby!
161,811,557 下載
sassc 2.4.0
Use libsass with Ruby!
161,811,557 下載
elasticsearch-transport 7.17.11
Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
150,267,962 下載
fog-xml 0.1.5
Extraction of the XML parsing tools shared between a number o...
148,125,660 下載
sassc-rails 2.1.2
Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails.
133,948,333 下載
celluloid-io 0.17.3
Evented IO for Celluloid actors
128,418,798 下載
guard 2.19.1
Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
121,533,293 下載
celluloid-supervision 0.20.6
Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.
117,189,513 下載
celluloid-pool 0.20.5
An implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework.
116,988,814 下載
celluloid-essentials 0.20.5
Notifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe...
116,966,136 下載
celluloid-fsm 0.20.5
Simple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support.
116,958,543 下載
celluloid-extras 0.20.5
Classes to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality.
116,958,467 下載
redis-store 1.11.0
Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...
114,847,825 下載
carrierwave 3.1.1
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
113,867,688 下載
gh_inspector 1.1.3
Search through GitHub issues for your project for existing issues about a Ruby Error.
105,092,418 下載
claide-plugins 0.9.2
This CLAide plugin shows information about all available CLAide plugins ...
84,581,009 下載
fog-google 1.24.1
This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...
80,522,823 下載