pry-suite 1.0.0
pry-suite is designed to set up a nice Pry ecosystem out of the box. With pry-suite, you are given Pry with access to a suite of great plugins. Currently, the following plugins will get installed along with Pry: * pry-byebug (Integration with the byebug Ruby debugger)* On Ruby 1.9.x, this is replaced with pry-debugger * pry-doc (allows you to look into the Ruby builtin classes with the ? and $ commands) * pry-docmore (extends pry-doc for dollar-variables and keywords) * pry-git (method-level git commands) * pry-highlight (reformat strings with pretty-printing, auto-detecting JSON/XML/Ruby) * pry-pretty-numeric (reformats large numbers, e.g. 1234567890 to 1_234_567_890) * pry-rescue (provides `Pry.rescue { ... }` blocks to capture any exceptions and start a Pry session) * pry-stack_explorer (allows you to navigate the call stack)